
District Deputy Grand Master’s Official Visit

Livingston District District Deputy Grand Master Doug Stanley visited Union Lodge on October 22nd and gave a well-received message from Most Worshipful William Thomas. Official Visit Our District Deputy Grand Master was also able to extend a hand in congratulating Worshipful Jim Kirkwood on his 40-years of service as a mason. Jim Kirkwood 40-years He also assisted Worship Master Corey VanBlarcom in welcoming a visiting brother from Kalispell Lodge #42, Worshipful Master Rich Pettersen. Rich Pettersen Visit Rich took a moment to enlighten the brothers about the Big Springs Historical Society & Museum.

Awards Night!

To recognize important milestones and distinctions in 2015, We held a special awards night on October 8th. It was very well attended, both by our membership and by many guests! Sidelines1 Sidelines2 We were able to recognize the following brothers’ distinctions: Br. Pete Yendell Distinguished Service Award pin Pete Yendell DSA Pin W.∙. Joseph Gallant Past Master’s Apron, certificate & pin Joe Gallant Past Masters Apron We were happy to recognize the following brothers and their milestones: Br. Steven Zukaitis 5 Year certificate & pin Steve Zukaitis 5-year Br. Craig Bailey 5 Year certificate & pin Craig Bailey 5-year Br. Duane Sisson 10 Year certificate & pin Duane Sisson 10-year Br. Ray Dreimiller 10 Year certificate & pin Ray Dreimiller 10-year W.∙. Jamie Treuthart 20 Year certificate & pin Jamie Treuthart 20-year Br. Glen Vanbuskirk 25 Year certificate & pin Glen Vanbuskirk 25-year Br. Paul Turk 35 Year certificate & pin Paul Turk 35-year Br. Jerry Kleehammer 35 Year certificate & pin Jerry Kleehammer 35-year W.∙. Jerry Treuthart 40 Year certificate & pin Jerry Treuthart 40-year W.∙. Lee Shanks 40 Year certificate & pin Lee Shanks 40-year Br. Ron Charron 45 Year certificate & pin Ron Charron 45-year W.∙. Mike Rapson 45 Year certificate & pin Mike Rapson 45-year W.∙. Guy Ball 50 Year certificate Guy Ball 50-year R.∙. W.∙. Tom Bennett 60 Year certificate, pin and GL 60 Yr Apron Tom Bennett 6-year1 Tom Bennett 60-year2 Tom Bennett 60-year3 Tom Bennet 60-year apron And to close out our awards night, Worshipful Master Corey VanBlarcom had the pleasure of bestowing upon R.∙. W.∙. Jim Slocum the honorary title of Secretary Emeritus for his 18 years of service as Union Lodge’s Secretary. Jim Slocum Secretary Emeritus It was a great experience and we were happy to be able to share it with so many brothers and guests! Awards Night Group Pic