We had the pleasure of raising three brothers this past Thursday, February 22. Our brother John Beiter was joined by brothers Tom McCullough (Olive Branch Lodge #39) and Joseph Lawrence (Nunda Station Lodge #682) for the degree which was led by Past-Master W.: Corey VanBlarcom! Everybody did a fantastic job from the meal prior to the degree through to the fellowship afterwards. We were pleased to have been joined by so many brothers from our district lodges for this special degree!
This past Thursday, we had the pleasure of advancing Brother John Beiter to the Fellowcraft Degree! W.: Dave Hansen led the degree work and along with the rest of the team did a fantastic job. Congratulations to Brother Beiter on his advancement and to the degree team for a job well done!
Brothers, please extend a hand in congratulations to our newest master masons, Jack Chambery and Scott McKissock! Led by Worshipful Master Corey VanBlarcom, the degree team did an excellent job. Thanks go out to everybody who helped out.